Cores are lathed from 1018 steel and have been drilled and tapped M4 they have also been heat treated and oil dipped.
( Please note when you receive the cores they will still have
some oil on them and inside the hole so you will
have to give them a wipe before you start winding. )
There are no grooves for a circlip to go on , the washers need to be glued on I find a drop of super glue works great
10x 1 Inch Blacken Coil Cores And 20x Wooden Washers
10x 1 Inch Coil Cores And 20x Wooden Washers
10x 1.25 Inch Blacken Coil Cores And 20x Wooden Washers
10x 1.25 Inch Coil Cores And 20x Wooden Washers
Non U.K. Buyers Check For Overseas Shipping Cost
Regards Sean Fin